2987. Determination of progressive stages of type 2 diabetes in a 45% high-fat diet-fed C57BL/6J mouse model is achieved by utilizing both fasting blood glucose levels and a 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test
Thuy Nguyen-Phuong 1 2 3, Sol Seo 1 2 3, Beum-Keun Cho 1 2 3, Jung-Ho Lee 1 2 3, Jiyun Jang 1 2 3, Chung-Gyu Park 1 2 3 4 5 6
2986. Clinical traits and systemic risks of familial diabetes mellitus according to age of onset and quantity: an analysis of data from the community-based KoGES cohort study.
2984. Novel Genetic Variants Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease Progression.
Han M, Moon S, Lee S, Kim K, An WJ, Ryu H, Kang E, Ahn JH, Sung HY, Park YS, Lee SE, Lee SH, Jeong KH, Ahn C, Kelly TN, Hsu JY, Feldman HI, Park SK, Oh KH.